
The objectives of our organization are as follows and should not be considered complete or unchangeable.


  • To see every offender’s life changed by a one-on-one relationship with a Christian Mentor;
  • To mobilize, train and equip churches and individuals to care for incarcerated inmates and ex-offenders as they reintegrate into society;
  • To facilitate one-on-one friendships between a mentor and an offender or released individual;
  • To be a supplemental program to those programs already offered to inmates while incarcerated;
  • To support chaplains, volunteers and staff serving in corrections facilities;
  • To demonstrate through relationship ways to change behaviours and attitudes and help ex-offenders become useful and productive in society;
  • To support restorative justice principals within the community and our corrections systems;
  • To offer practical help to all clients; by bridging  gaps between services offered by our governments and those marginalized in our society; and,
  • To demonstrate God’s love of all people.