Ordination Announcement

Ordination Announcement

The Board of Directors of Pathways is pleased to announce the ordination of our Executive Director Robert (Bob) George.

On May 19th 2014, Bob in the presence of  his wife Sherri along with witness Ron Sullivan & others from the organization Fellowship of Christians, was ordained in the presence of God to serve him and live his life out in Holy Ordination.

Robert (Bob) George has been studying by distance education to fulfill the call he felt was on his life. Enter in to this the challenge of the work, life and ministry balance. After prayerful consideration and the decision to continue the distance studies as he is able Bob and Sherri felt that this call needed to be answered sooner rather than later. Bob has consulted his trusted spiritual advisors and sought the Holy Spirit and believes this is a decision that will benefit both the ministry of PTFM and Bob as he continues to answer the call God has given him. As Bob moves forward with this ministry working with the men inside and the mentors on the outside as well as the chaplains at the institutions his ordination will be important. Nancy Hynes the Founder of Pathways had always felt that in the work we do we need to educate ourselves and lead our ministry in excellence, she says, “I believe that Bob’s ordination will help him to partner with churches and other ministries to bring help to the men incarcerated”. He will continue to be mentored by our own Community Chaplain Ron who is also ordained by the Fellowship of Christians. The mentor relationship with Ron is what this ministry is all about and models what we are seeking to do with our clients who wish to make life changes once on the outside.

Thank you, Bob for answering the call to become Executive Director of Pathways. Bless you for answering the call to ordination in spite of some of the spiritual attacks that have come. We know God has great things for your and your family and for this ministry. Praise be to God!